The chemistry
We don't get along equally well with everyone in our lives.
That is completely normal - with some people the so-called chemistry is right and with others less so. Naturally, this also applies to my clients and me.
And since a certain degree of sympathy is pretty helpful in counseling , I'll tell you a little bit about me here, so that you can get a better picture (in addition to my actual picture above).
My path to psychological counseling began several years ago with the end of a ten-year romantic relationship and the crumbling of friendships that had lasted for years. After that I experienced depression, loneliness and complete disorientation since the most important pillars in my life had broken away in a very short time. Besides my job, there was virtually no stability left.
I didn't manage to do much during that time, but I took one important step: I went and got support. I saw a psychological counselor, who listened to me, who let me feel and cry and doubt, and thereby helped me through the critical first months until I was stable enough to carry on by myself. At the same time, it became clear to me that I would like to be able help other people in this way as well, and so I started the training to become a counselor myself.
Since then I have grown, learned and certainly changed a lot - in some areas more than others - regardless, I obviously still face regular challenges in my life and kept a lot of my quirks, too: So I still have conversations with my inner critic and skeptic, I have regular, quite unproductive arguments with my mother, and a tendency to avoid unpleasant conversations even though I know it would be better to have them.
But I am convinced that this is what is more valuable in counseling than any formal training or what a textbook could teach: knowing what it's like to be human.
With everything that goes with it.
Not perfect either
My approach to counseling is a humanistic one. That means that in my role as counselor I am still present as a human being, and not as a distant "expert" who knows it all and will tell you how to live your life.
The American therapist Irvin D. Yalom refers to himself and the people who come into therapy as "fellow travelers". I believe this is a wonderful image, and I share it in my approach to counseling, because it stands for a personal meeting at eye level, for working together, for going alongside one another - and not for lecturing or talking down from above.
So, counseling to me is a meeting of human beings, with a lot of empathy, appreciation and authenticity.
Finally, an overview of my practical experience, and my education and training.
Self-employed as psychological counselor (since 2020)
Peer Counselor for people with mental illnesses| pro mente
Facilitator of a support group for people with depression & anxiety| pro mente
Partner of the Psychosocial Counseling Service at PH Wien | PH Wien
Counseling and coaching |​
Diploma: Psychological Counseling| WIFI Wien
Psychological First Aid | pro mente
Course: EFT - Attachment Science in Practice | Dr. Sue Johnson
Family Constellations - SGF Method | IFGE Wien
Gender Mainstreaming & Diversity Management | Integrationswerkstatt
Read enough?
If you have a good feeling about what you read and would like to schedule a session or get in touch, you can find all my contact information here.